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around public holidays. Check at the helpful  National Theatre generation of the Czech (masné krámy), which is now part of the of the old town walls.
City Information Centre for exact dates. National Revival. West Bohemian gallery (%377 223 759; Pra~ská 13; South of the square on Smetany is the very
At the end of Pra~ská is a stone water tower adult/concession 20/10K%0Å„; h10am-6pm Tue-Fri) with its baroque St Anne church (kostel sv Anny), an-
UNDERGROUND PLZEG (vodárenská v%1Å‚~) dating from 1530 and part changing exhibits of modern Czech art. other work by Jakub Auguston. The former
The extraordinary museum of PlzeH s histori- of the first town water system (this tower Heading out where a town gate used to be, Premonstratensian monastery next door is now
cal underground (PlzeHské historické podzemí; %377 supplied fountains in the square until the you cross Prague bridge (Pra~ský most) over part of a State Science Library.
Gen Pattona
Sady 5 kvètna
5 kv
Sady Pêtatåicátníkû
Bedåvicha Smetany
U zvonu
Kopeckého sady
222 WEST BOHEMIA " " PlzeH Book accommodation online at lonelyplanet.com lonelyplanet.com WEST BOHEMIA " " PlzeH 223
PRAZDROJ (PILSNER URQUELL) BREWERY The West Bohemian museum (Západo%0Å„eské muz- and the rooms are functional, but it s a good Eating
Across the Radbuza is the brewery (pivovar; eum; %377 329 380; Kopeckého sady 2; adult/concession central and historic option. In WWII the hotel Denní Bar & Pizzerie (%377 237 965; Solní 9; pizza 75K%0Å„)
%377 062 888; www. prazdroj.cz.cz; U Prazdroje 7; admis- per exhibit 20/10K%0Å„; h9am-5pm Tue-Sun) fills a mag- was the US Army Officers Club, and it s just Come for the interesting photographs of old
sion 120K%0Å„; h10am-9pm Mon-Sat, 10am-8pm Sun, tours in nificent agglomeration of buildings. In the a matter of time before it is redeveloped to PlzeH and stay for the tasty food in this snug
English at 12.30pm & 2pm) that put PlzeH on the map, basement the original armoury (zbrojnice) luxury status. Stay there while you can still little place.
entered via the gate that has graced the label features a weapons collection; the ground afford it. U Mansfelda (%377 333 844; cnr rev%1Å‚na & KYí~íkovy
of its beer since 6 October 1842. Individual floor has changing exhibits while the second Pivnice U Salzmanno (%377 235 855; www.usalzmannu sady; mains 90-140K%0Å„) In a city of raucous pubs,
visitors can join an interesting (for beer afi- floor houses an exhibit of glass and porcelain .cz; Pra~ská 8; s 550-1350K%0Å„, d 750-1500K%0Å„) Right above this spot is a classier option with a summer
cionados) one-hour tour with a film, a visit in the magnificent Art Nouveau Jubilee hall one of PlzeH s most historic pubs is a range terrace, an upstairs wine bar and interesting
to the brewing rooms and chilly fermentation (Jubilejní sál). of rooms from budget to midrange. Your big takes on Czech cuisine such as wild boar gulaa
cellars and, of course, beer tasting. You can The Town Art Gallery (Galerie M%1Å‚sta Plzn%1Å‚; %378 decision: do you go for a cheaper room and (spicy meat and potato soup).
also visit at the weekend, but you have to 035 310; Dominikánská 3; adult/concession 20/10K%0Å„; then have more to spend downstairs on the Dominik Jazz Rock Café (%377 323 226; Do-
book ahead. beer and hearty food? minikánská 3; mains 100K%0Å„; h9am-11pm Mon-Thu, 9am-
h10am-noon & 1-6pm Tue-Sun) hosts art and design
Head east on Pra~ská, then cross the river exhibitions. Penzion v Solní (%377 236 652; www.volny.cz/pension 1am Fri, 3pm-midnight Sat, 3pm-10pm Sun) Get lost in
and bear left onto U Prazdroje; the gate is The Ethnographic museum (%377 324 028; nám%1Å‚stí solni; Solní 8; s/d 600/1020K%0Å„) The best deal in town is the nooks and crannies of this vast student
near a pedestrian bridge, 750m from nám%1Å‚stí Republiky 106/13; adult/concession 20/10K%0Å„; h9am-5pm at this compact and friendly spot sandwiched hang-out, or take on PlzeH s best at pool or
Republiky. Tue-Sun) has a small collection of moderate between a deli and a clothes shop. With only foosball (table soccer). There are cool beats
Through a similar gate 500m on is the interest. three rooms, it s essential to book ahead. all day, every day, and good-value salads and
Gambrinus brewery. Sorry, no tours here. Pension City (%377 326 069; fax 377 222 976; Sady 5 sandwiches at lunchtime. After dark it gets
Festivals & Events kvetna 52; s/d incl breakfast 1000/1390K%0Å„; p) On a quiet enjoyably raucous.
GREAT SYNAGOGUE Liberated by the US army two days earlier street near the river, the City has comfortable Rhodos (%736 677 344; Bezru%0Å„ova 20; mains 130K%0Å„)
The neo-Renaissance Great synagogue (Velká than the rest of the country, PlzeH celebrates rooms and friendly, English-speaking staff More  Alan the Very Good than Alexander
synagóga; %377 223 346; Sady P%1Å‚tatYicátníko 11; adult/ the national Liberation Day Holiday two days armed with lots of local information. the Great, this spot serves up Greek fare in
concession 45/30K%0Å„, English tours 50K%0Å„ extra; h11am-6pm earlier, on 6 May. Celebrated with perennial Also recommended: leafy surroundings with a sunny skylight.
Sun-Fri Apr-Sep, to 5pm Jun, to 4pm Oct, closed Nov-Mar), the gusto, the event features a huge parade of Pension K (%337 329 683; pensionk@volny.cz; The  assemble yourself gyros with pita bread
third-largest in the world after those in Jeru- Czechs dressed in WWII army surplus. Bezru%0Å„ova 13; s/d with breakfast 890/1350K%0Å„) Slightly are good value and we recommend you finish
salem and Budapest, was built in 1892 by the There is also an International Folk Festival in dowdy but clean rooms in a central street with restaurants with a slice of naughtily sweet baklava.
2000 or so Jews who lived in PlzeH then. mid-June. At the end of September, Pilsner and music clubs. Also recommended:
Fest (www.pilsnerfest.cz) celebrates a momentous Sandra Pension (%377 325 358; sandra.101@seznam Slune%0Å„nice (Jungmanova 10; baguettes 50K%0Å„;
MUSEUMS & GALLERIES day: the first brewing of Pilsner Urquell. .cz; Kopeckého sady 15; s/d with breakfast 990/1260K%0Å„;
h7.30am-6pm) For fresh, tasty baguettes and sand-
The Brewery museum (%377 235 574; www.prazdroj.cz;
p) Three clean rooms above a parkside restaurant; good wiches on the go. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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