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light and cool t blue shadow, turning the shattered shell of her weather-dome to fire and crimson blood, Bragar's blood.
At the reminder of her failure and disgrace, Eliseth drew in a hissing breath, "Just wait, Aurian," she snarled, "One day
I will have my revenge!"
The topaz glory of sunset faded to the sapphire and amethyst of twilight. To Eliseth's relief, night threw its shadowy
cloak over Nexis, hiding the ruin in the courtyard, High in the deepening vault above, the diamond-points of stars were
beginning to appear.
"Lady Eliseth? Are you there?" There came a timid tap at the door of her bedchamber,
"How dare you interrupt me!" The Mage flung open the door to find the ragged girl-child on the other side
"But Lady, your supper " Her words ended in a wail as Eliseth slapped her,
"Never answer me back, you guttersnipe!" she hissed. The girl's fists clenched and behind the greasy tendrils of hair,
her eyes flashed defiance. Eliseth raised an eyebrow. It seemed she had underestimated the little baggage! What a
diversion it will be, to break her to my will, she mused. "What's your name, child?" she asked.
"Inella, Lady," mumbled the brat.
"Speak up, girl! Tell me why haven't I seen you before?"
"Wasn't here before."
Eliseth's hand itched to slap her again, but she kept her temper reined. She required fear and respect from the girl, but
she also needed her loyalty. With an effort, she managed to produce a smile, "Are you hungry, child?"
The girl nodded, her large eyes fixed on the serving dishes that crowded for space on Eliseth's supper tray.
Her mouth quirking in an odd little smile, Eliseth divided the contents of the tray, serving herself with generous
portions of beef stew and steamed vegetables, but leaving enough in the covered dishes to feed the starveling child.
She took one of the sweet apple pasties, spicy with cloves and cinnamon, and left the other for Inella. "Here, child."
She handed back the tray. "Take that off to a quiet corner and feed yourself by the look of you, Janok keeps you on
slender rations! Report to me first thing tomorrow, and we'll replace those disreputable rags you're wearing,"
The dull, resentful look had vanished from Inella's face. Already, it seemed that Eliseth's ill-tempered slap had been
forgotten, "Oh, Lady thank you!" The child's eyes were bright with gratitude as she took the proffered tray, which
tipped perilously as she curtsied,
Eliseth steadied the tray quickly before the dishes could slide to the floor. "Off you go," she said, "Enjoy your supper,
child and when you report back to Janok, tell him that from now on, I shall want you as my personal maid!"
When the girl, still babbling her gratitude, had departed, Eliseth sat down to enjoy her first hearty meal since Miathan
had cast her into the shape of a hag. It was good, solid fare a far cry from the broth and gruel that were all she'd been
able to manage with the toothless gums of an old crone. The Mage ate with great appetite, but more than the food, she
was savoring the thought that once again she would have a willing tool, enslaved by her false and easy charm, to do
her bidding. Eliseth smiled. She was sure the little maid would prove useful eventually. Mortals usually did.
Eilin's Valley cupped the rich sunset colors like a handful of jewels. In the glittering waters of the lake, a unicorn
disported in the shallows, striking starbursts of spray from her bounding hooves and scattering a rain of diamond
droplets with her silvery horn. D'arvan, watching, smiled. Gods, she was breathtaking] The most beautiful creature that
had ever lived, and he was the only one privileged to see her yet he would have traded the marvel in an instant to
have his Maya back! Her hearty laugh and sense of fun; her blunt common sense so richly mingled with compassion;
her slight, wiry form with its strong, sun-browned limbs; her glossy dark hair, neatly braided warrior-fashion, or lying
loose in crinkled waves across a pillow . . .
As though he too were emerging form the waters of the lake, D'arvan shook himself free from dreams of longing as the
unicorn approached, the deepening twilight blue-silver on her moonspun hide, D'arvan put his arms around her neck
and the two of them Mage and Miracle embraced, sharing, for a moment, their loneliness. How long would this
wretched isolation last? D'arvan wondered, He and Maya were doing all that his father, the Forest Lord, had asked. His
magic, augmented, he suspected, by the ancient powers of the Phaerie, had kept Eliseth's deadly winter out of the Vale, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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